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Monday, November 18, 2013

How to be a Demon Lord (Hataraku Maou-sama)

In animes, Demon Lords are mostly the prime antagonist; Merciless, brutal, and cruel always come along with them. But there are great spin-offs of Demon Lords being a badass protagonist, who would expect demon lords to help humans? 

Right now, I'll be focusing on the protagonist of Hataraku Maou-sama... 
The famous Demon Lord - Sadao Maou.
For those who already watched the series, I know it was a fun ride for most of us; In fact, I still have the urge of wanting more episodes of it. Hataraku Maou-sama was a 1-cour anime series that aired last April 4, 2013. From the title itself, translated in english "The Devil is a part-timer", the plot of the story was about a demon lord being accustomed to human world and works as a part-timer in a restaurant. The genre of the story was mainly comedy with a sprinkle of action and romance. Though having a lesser time for action, Hataraku Maou-sama delivered badass visual graphics during the battle encounters.

I'll be concentrating on the badass moves that Maou-san had shown...
Here are the 9 things you should obtain from him:

1.) Telekinetic power that can suspend and lift objects at mid-air.
Common skill of the majority demon lords I've known.

2.) Setting-up Magical Field.
Making the whole area your own field, very demon-like, right?

3.) Instant teleportation.
The Element of surprise with a darker touch.

4.) Punches enhanced with magical circles.
But I think this is way too enhanced.

 5.) Power of restoration.
This is intriguing, I've always thought of demon lords only aim for destruction.

 6.) Making your enemy into frames, then smashing it to bits.
This is a unique combo, nice touch over here.

 7.) Deceiving your opponent by shape-shifting illusions.
You can't be that badass without deceptive capabilities.

 8.) A suffocating aura of terror.
Very demon-like, there's no need to argue here.

 9.) Summoning your demonic sword.
You can't be a demon lord without this one, this will be the symbol of destruction.
     "Now, pervert angel, beg forgiveness from God." - Maou

In courtesy of Hataraku Maou-sama.

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